Work in progress, compiled from November 2019. Known collections, archives and publications. Alphabetical order by surname.
Live Plants:
Cinchona pubescens, Temperate House, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (map here)
Cinchona pubescens, Edinburgh Botanic Garden (map here, correct as Dec 2019)
Cinchona pubescens, Chelsea Physic Garden
Eden project?
Also in: Utrecht Botanic Gardens
Known historic, dried cinchona collections
(Over 100 unless historically noteworthy)
Royal Botanic Gardens Kew (barks & herbarium) c. 2,000
Natural History Museum (Herbarium), c. 600
Royal Pharmaceutical Society, London, (barks), c. 50 retained after donation to Kew in 1983
Manchester Museum (Herbarium & barks) c. xxxx
Copenhagen Natural History Museum, Denmark (herbarium and barks) c. 500
Naturalis, Leiden, Netherlands (barks and herbarium), c. 2,000
Utrecht Botanic Garden, Netherlands (Barks and herbarium), c. 300
Madrid Botanic Gardens (Barks and Herbarium), c. xxx
Others suspected: Paris Economic Botany Collection, Royal Palace of Madrid….
John Eliot Howard. Image: Wikimedia Commons
Howard, John Eliot, (1807-1883). Cinchona botanist, chemist and pharmaceutical manufacturer based in Tottenham, London.
Howard. J.E., (1853). Examination of Pavon’s collection of Peruvian barks contained in the British Museum. London: C. Whiting. With additional appendix, Printed 1855 here.
Howard. J.E., (1855) Examination of botanic specimens at Kew. London: privately printed. This can be also found reprinted (with OCR) on page 61 here
Howard. J.E., (1862). Illustrations of the nueva quinologia of Pavon. London: L. Reeve.
Howard. J.E., (1869). The quinology of the East Indian plantations. Vol 1. London: L. Reeve.
Howard. J.E., (1876). The quinology of the East Indian plantations. Vol 2 & 3. London: L. Reeve. This is not available online. I have my own homemade version, with OCR. If you would like to access this, I am happy to share. Please email me.
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Archives, Personal Archives pertaining to cinchona work under reference JEH
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Economic Botany. Howard’s Bark collections. Cinchona specimens can also be found in the herbarium.
London Metropolitan Archives, Howards & Sons Business archives, plus family history documents for the Howard and Eliot families . Cinchona information found particularly under ACC/1037
Redbridge Archives, Ilford, further Howards & Sons archives.
Clements Markham. Image: Wikimedia Commons
Markham, Robert Clements, known as Clements, (1830-1916). Amongst his illustrious career, he also collected Cinchona in South America, helping to establish the first plantations in British-India.
Markham, C.R. (1862). Travels in Peru and India While Superintending the Collection of Chinchona Plants and Seeds in South America, and Their Introduction into India. London: J. Murray.
Markham, C.R. (1880). Peruvian Bark a Popular Account of the Introduction of Chinchona Cultivation into British India. London: J. Murray, 1880.
Correspondence regarding Cinchona can be found in the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Archives, particularly amongst the Director’s correspondance and the Miscellaneous Reports.
Diaries in the Royal Geographical Society, particularly the following:
CRM/5 - Diary in Peru, 22 March to 16 May 1860
CRM/51 - Diary in Peru, 17 Dec 1859 to 21 March 1860
CRM/52 - Diary in Peru and India, 17 May 1860 to 17 Oct 1860
CRM/55 Cinchona notebook 1
CRM/56 Cinchona notebook 2
Hugh Algernon Weddell, Image: Wikimedia Commons.
Weddell, Hugh Algernon, (1819-1877), British born, French pysician and botanist. Travelled to South Amercia and collected Cinchona 1843 with François Louis de la Porte, comte de Castelnau. Associated with the Muséum national d'Histoire Naturelle and Jardin des Plantes, Paris.
Weddell, H., (1849). Histoire naturelle des quinquinas. Paris: Chez Victor Masson.
Weddell, H., (1870). Notes sur les quinquinas. Paris: Victor Masson et Fils.
Vrijdag-Zijnen’s Cinchona specimens.
Theodoor Vrijdag Zijnen (1799 - 1863). Dutch Apothecary and Cinchona specialist.
Vrijdag-Zijnen, T., (1860). Chinae verae et pseudo-chinae Herbarii regii Lugdunensis/De Kina-basten van het Rijksherbarium en 1860. S’Gravenhage: J.M. van 't Haaff.
Vrijdag-Zijnen’s specimens (pictured left) are in the Economic Botany Collection, Naturalis, Leiden.
Miscellaneous books
-(1870). Memorial to congress on the cultivation of the cinchona tree in the United States. Philadelphia: American Forestry Association
Flückiger, F., (1884) The Cinchona barks: pharmacognistically considered. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston, Son & Co.
de Vriese, W. H (1855). De kina-boom uit zuid Amerika overgebragt naar Java, onder de regering van Konig Willem III. The Hague : C. W. Mieling